HTC Phones

TeamViewer QuickSupport Lets Remotely Control Android Devices

Remote control of different kind of devices is one of the most necessary things nowadays. There are plenty of applications allowing users to remotely access a certain device and make any changes but the most popular among them is Team Viewer. Now its creators have come up with an interesting app called TeamViewer QuickSupport.

QucikSupport lets users remotely control a phone or tablet via PC. This is what many users have been looking for for a long time, because the opposite action was available via TeamViewer. I mean everyone was able to control a PC using their phone or tablet.

Unfortunately, the app is still available only for those who own a Samsung device because the they have original firmware, which is capable of working with QuickSupport. But if you’re with club Sammy and you want to download something similar to this app, I have gladsome news for you, as Sammy is going to get it soon.

You can download TeamViewer QuickSupport application for remote control of a phone or a tablet via PC at Play Store but if you are not an owner of a Samsung device, then wait a little, as I am sure the creators will bring it to other platforms as well.

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