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"HTC Arrive" tag

HTC Arrive Reached EOL Status with No Hope for Another WP8 Device for Sprint

HTC doesn’t have many Windows Phone packed smartphones but there are several devices that succeeded despite various obstacles. Among them is the HTC Arrive launched via Sprint back in March 2011. Thanks to its…

HSPL for WP7

HSPL for Windows Phone 7 Devices Including HTC Trophy and Arrive

All those first generation Windows Phone users who have lost their hope to ever see novelties on their handsets, now can breathe easy. The Dark Forces Team has released a Hard SPL for…


HTC Arrive to Get Tethering-Enabling Update?

When surfing on different OS-dedicated forums you will find many interesting topics and if you are not that aware of what’s going on in the “world,” many topics can seem to you a…


Sprint Not to Launch WP Handset until August

If you look at Sprint’s Windows Phone-powered device, you will hardly think the carrier is dissatisfied with its sales. But Sprint cuts up rough and I even remember some time ago it was…


AT&T HTC HD7S Getting Windows Phone Mango Update

Starting today the HTC HD7S handsets of AT&T will start receiving updates in the form of the Windows Phone Mango. The handset used to come with the earlier version of the Microsoft’s Phone…

Sprint HTC Arrive

HTC Arrive Running Mango Spotted in Vegas

The HTC Arrive was launched in spring. That time this phone was one of the best handsets running Windows Phone. It was so popular that Sprint offered it for $200, but then the…


HTC Ruby Spotted Again

HTC’s first Windows Phone 7 device was the HTC Arrive, the so-called WP7 version of the popular HTC 7 Pro, supporting Sprint’s CDMA networks. The smartphones was rumored to be codenamed as the…


Cellular South Offering HTC 7 Pro

Today Verizon will finally offer more Windows Phone 7 handsets, and this is cool, since they are becoming more and more popular. I bet that’s why Cellular South decide to follow their example…

HTC Arrive to get security update

HTC Arrive to Get Security Update on May 24

It seems HTC has decided to inundate the market with different kinds of smartphones designed for all kinds of users. Every quarter we see 10-20 new handsets running both Android and Windows Phone…


HTC Push out Windows Phone 7 Update for its Phones

Currently Microsoft is doing its best not to delay the already postponed NoDo update, which is going to be the first official update for Windows Phone 7. This upgrade should bring many changes…

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