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Li-Ion Battery Life Extended 10 Times

Obviously, the accelerated developments in smartphone software production puts more and more strain on phone’s battery life. So it is not surprising there’s a general interest in making good progress in this field too. Up to this day, the battery life was extended by making anything else apart from the battery consume less energy, but now things are on the way to change.

In particular, Harold H. Kung of Northwestern University (USA) announced that they have discovered a new technology, which will enable Li-Ion batteries to last ten times longer. It is all due to a new lithium-ion electrode. According to Mr. Kung, even after 150 charges, which makes one year or more of operation, the new battery will be still five times more effective than current batteries.

Today most Android based smartphone batteries last from 5 hours to one day depending on how much strain is put on the phone. This is a way too short time for being not annoyed with your handset. But future is really promising in this area, as is already visible by Mr. Kung’s team discovery. Furthermore, stronger batteries will eventually lead to more sophisticated and power-depended applications waiting to be developed.


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