Unlike the HTC One X, the core numbers of which vary from continent to continent, the One S sports the same design and specs list in all markets it is released in. It especially refers to the number of cores the phone comes with. But the One S is packed with a dual-core 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4 processor, though starting at this point consumers must be attentive because the company has officially announced it will launch the modified variant of the One S in select Asian and European markets.
HTC has confirmed an earlier rumor, which claimed it would make the modified version of the One S, which would sport a dual-core 1.7GHz Snapdragon S3 processor. The company, however, didn’t clarify when it will come in, what countries it is designed for and how much it will cost. This is an annoying issue, which greatly bothers users who have appeared in confusion since they have no idea how they will be able to differentiate between the S4 and S3 models if both devices look identical and act so.
However, HTC was kind enough to let users know phones would be labeled with corresponding S3 and S4 markers.
It’s quite acceptable that HTC tries to offer better products but if the S3 One S costs as much as the S4 One S why should people buy the weaker one? On the other hand, if the novelty costs more than the original One S, users will prefer the One X at a higher price.