According to the company’s latest update it is conform that HTC One again will be appear with new updates 4.4 KitKat. The manufacturer of this company has declared that recently HTC One will be appeared with its latest update. In this year month of November HTC One was launched with some promises. HTC Company announced that they will include Android 4.4 KitKat update in this handset and now they are going to fulfill their promises. From their statement it will clear that with after announcing this news they will take 15 days for launching HTC One with latest Android updates. It is a guarantee that the manufacturer of HTC One handset will include this latest update within one month and it provided. And it also guaranteed the HTC One Android operating system 4.4 KitKat upgrade for the U. S. Declares, and other areas, within three months giving a focus on launch in January 2014.
HTC Company is constantly telling that this update is going to under process. Though 4.3 Android Operating System has been received by Verizon HTC One Android in yesterday but still the process of updating 4.4 Operating System is running. After heard the company’s statement we have seen some information began to appear, stuffing the empty spaces for HTC One operators enthusiastic about improving from Android operating system 4.3 Jelly Bean and also Sense 5. We have also noticed that HTC One Android operating system 4.4 KitKat upgrade in the U.S. would carry the new Sense 5.5, a UI that provides improvements to Zoe and BlinkFeed. Now we have seen the actual edition of Android operating system 4.4 verified.
In U.S HTC One would be appearing with latest update Android 4.4 Kitkat and 4.4.2 Kitkat according to the statement of Mo Versi the Director of product manager in HTC Company. And today the news has come LLab TooFer the leakster of HTC thinks that designer of the HTC One handset will be include 4.4.2 Kitkat OS also. Consumers do not have any expectations that Android operating system 4.4.2 KitKat to include anything important from a applications perspective, it’s likely to be a more constant edition of the software application, significance, more bug 100 % free than the past two editions. So from this we are sure that HTC One will be update with Android 4.4 KitKat Operating System in next month and it would be definitely a bonus point for HTC lovers in New Year.