HTC Phones

HTC is contemplating a Android 4.4 update

The Company of HTC has come out with the detail that the HTC One X would have Android 4.2 Jelly bean and also the Sense 5. The company of HTC says that the smart phone HTC One X will have the Android 4.4 KitKat update for the users of this mobile phone in the United States of America. This feature will really have a fresh life in the mobile phone of HTC One X. This smart phone is already two years old. The company of HTC had its Public Relations team in the country of North America divulging details about the mobile phone’s latest update in the realm of Android firmware. A post on Reddit given out by the company of HTC revealed that the smart phone would have the Android 4.4 KitKat update. The company of HTC in the past few months kept the users of the smart phone HTC One X in the dark about whether the users will get a Android update or not. It is only very recently that the company of HTC declared its intention.


The smart phone of HTC One will have a set of important hardware parts in it. For example the smart phone will also have a one Giga byte of Ram chip and also has a quad core processor.  It is said that the hardware on these smart phones have influenced the development of Android KitKat software.   The ARS Technica says that in the two smart phones of HTC One X and HTC One X+ which came out in the year two thousand and twelve the company of HTC made use of the NVIDIA Tegra 3 system on chip for the editions of the smart phones available outside the United States. The smart phone HTC One X will possibly use within the United States the Qualcomm Snapdragon S 4 that will support the upgrade that will be introduced. The company of HTC is said to be going through the option of bringing in the KitKat update for the users of HTC One X. It is a fact that by going through the current situation without the support of the Nvidia the smart phones which will be supplied to the rest of the world apart from America will go without the Android update.

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