After Android Ice Cream Sandwich was launched HTC representatives announced that in the beginning of 2012 some of their smartphones will be upgraded to this version of Android OS. Finally the list of handsets to receive the update is published in HTC’s official Facebook page.
It includes the HTC Sensation, the HTC Sensation XE, the HTC Sensation XL, the HTC Rezound (which just got launched by Verizon), T-Mobile’s HTC Amaze 4G, Sprint’s HTC EVO Design 4G and the HTC EVO 3D. The post in Facebook states that the process of the update will be achieved “through close integration with our carrier partners.”
This is the list of the first wave devices, which will get the update. The manufacturer is planning to get ICS to more devices in future, thus you needn’t to worry if your smartphone isn’t in the list.
Most likely in future the HTC Vivid and the HTC Incredible 2 will also receive the update. At the moment HTC is examining this new version of Android OS to be able to integrate it to its earlier devices. I think one of the most obvious issues is the integration of the newest version of the OS with the earlier version of the UI.