HTC Phones

“Alchemy” game for Android (video)

“Alchemy” game is a fun puzzle game that is said to be extremely addictive by everybody who played it. You start off with four basic elements – fire, water, air, and earth. Combining 2 elements creates a new element sometimes. To do that you simply drag one element onto another. If such a combination exists the phone will vibrate and create the new element which then can be combined with other elements as well. The more elements you discover the more combinations are available. Some combinations are hilarious like for instance werewolf + vampire = “Twilight” series. Currently there are 270 elements to be discovered and every once in a while there is an update and new combinations are added. Users can suggest new combinations directly from the game and there is a chance that they will be included into the next update.

The interface is simplistic yet convenient. At any time you can easily access the list of existing elements and add them to your workspace. Also you can delete elements from the workspace by dragging them onto recycle bin. Dragging an element onto a question mark will show all discovered combinations and also give general information about the element which comes in handy when you have no clue of what you just discovered.  The elements that won’t give any combination at all are marked with an asterisk. The game is available in English, Russian, German, French, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Spanish, Catalan, Czech, Italian, and Polish languages.

The game is free however there is a small advertisement banner at the bottom of the screen which you can get rid of only if a removal key is purchased from Alchemy store for $2.95. It’s also possible to buy hint packages or a single hint.

  • User raiting: 5 stars (9887 raitings)
  • downloads: over 250,000
  • price: free
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